Tuesday, March 15, 2011

updates. and babies. and tunes. (oh my!)

holy smokes. sure, i am sitting here fully covered with my heat blasting, but by golly, the time has changed and i am so ready for spring to get its rear in action. on a side note: isn't it peculiar how one hour can completely throw you off? yesterday, i walked in my apartment, disrobed, and got under my covers and slept for a good 45 minutes, something i never do. i was on the verge of not functioning if a nap hadn't been in my plans. so, i suppose i have a love/hate relationship with springing forward. more love. less hate.

i went to the movies with a buddy of mine and saw the adjustment bureau. i really enjoyed it. did it change my life? no. did it entertain me? absolutely. seriously, y'all. you should sneak a peek. of course, anything that shows loads of men in suits, ties, and hats is fine by me.

i also saw a sweet friend of mine who was driving through with her family. her gorgeous little girl is about to turn one, so we snapped a few pics before they hit the road.
here are a couple of my faves:

what a sweet kid.

with all of this sunshine going around, my ears have been craving certain tunes. sorry sufjan...your christmas album is finally being replaced. tomorrow i'll post more songs that have been replaying. today, i'll leave you with two:

this song never gets old to me...i just enjoy it more when sunshine is involved :)
a forever favorite of mine. so girly. so refreshing.


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